The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

Why Donate to Casa de Sueños?

Smiling children at Casa de Sueños. A great reason why you should donate!

Why donate to Casa de Sueños?

You witness the raw need in the eyes of the impoverished kids you walk by every day. You ache for the dirty, skinny kids going hungry. You grieve for the young girls coerced into the sex trade.

You want to help, and you’re not alone.

Colombia is one of the most generous nations in the world.

In fact, Colombia ranks second in the world for the number of non-profits per capita, close behind the United States.

Compassion and benevolence abound in Colombia, and that’s a blessing because poverty and crime abound in Colombia, too.

Thousands of non-profits exist in Colombia, and they all hope to break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy. Of those charities, Casa de Sueños rises to the top. Here’s why donating to Casa de Sueños is a wise investment now and for the future.

Casa de Sueños is an internationally acclaimed foundation, the only ONE in Medellin

Casa de Sueños, meaning “House of Dreams,” is an inspiring nonprofit organization that dedicates itself to guiding, supporting, and empowering the vulnerable children of Colombia.

The mission and structure of Casa de Sueños is exceptional. So exceptional, in fact, that the renowned Konecta Foundation has conferred not just one but TWO prestigious, international awards for excellence on Casa de Sueños.

These awards are no small accomplishment.

The Konecta Foundation is an acclaimed global organization that channels business resources to empower social change. The organization also awards foundations that are exemplary in their approach to solving social problems. To date, Konecta has helped more than 216,000 people and enabled more than 15,000 to enter the workforce. Many of those 15,000 people now employed are girls and women who have suffered abuse, like those at Casa de Sueños.

Casa de Sueños received awards in perpetuity for two distinct programs:

“Helping Hand”

Sadly, thousands of children live in the tenements of Medellin. Hundreds are homeless. Many are forced into prostitution and drug use.

“A Helping Hand” is Casa de Sueños’ program that nurtures young girls who have been living on the streets, often working in the sex trade. The end goal is for these girls to recover and return to society. These young females receive training that helps them find safe, sustained, legitimate employment along with other kinds of education. Each student in the “A Helping Hand Along the Way” program receives therapy from a psychologist and a social worker, mentoring, supervision, and exposure to life-skills courses like computers and financial literacy.

“Family Childhood”

The second award-winning program designed by Casa de Sueños is titled, “Family Childhood.”

Many Colombian children are unsupervised and left to fend for themselves during the day. The “Family Childhood” program addresses the need for both training and companionship for boys and girls six to twelve years of age.

Children are surrounded by compassionate teachers and leaders who feed them, teach them, provide therapy, and reinforce positive social interactions with others through sports and activities.

The founder of Casa de Sueños, Lorena Vasquez, has lived through the problems facing tenement kids

Lorena Sanchez understands the problems facing Colombian children because she grew up in the tenements. Born to a sixteen-year-old mother, Lorena was often left alone throughout her childhood and remembers bad years in the tenements, locked up and very afraid.

Lorena’s childhood was not atypical. Many, many children are born to young teenaged women living in the slums. One study said that 6,045 children were born to Columbian teenagers younger than fifteen years old.

Her sad experiences were not unusual, but they motivated Lorena. Through her perseverance, she was able to build a life for herself. She trained as an accountant, but her passion was to help the children who were facing the same battles she had faced.

Her passion led her to develop, refine, and improve programs for student success, resulting in the establishment of the foundation, Casa de Sueños.

Casa de Sueños is known for its award-winning programs that provide two meals a day, as well as education and therapy.

Casa de Sueños focuses on education

No country can build a hopeful future without educating its children, so Casa de Sueños does just that.

Education is crucial.

Every child is instructed in English, computer basics, financial literacy, and Christian morals.

Teenage girls are given courses to finish high school, workshops on pregnancy prevention, and guidance on developing life goals that culminate in productive employment.

Casa de Sueños has proudly achieved a 96% graduation rate of its participants.

Founded on Christian principles and belief in family

Casa de Sueños is founded on the Biblical command found in Deuteronomy 15:11.

“I command you, ‘you shall open your hand wide to your brother, to the poor, and to the needy in your land.”

Charitable giving is key to supporting the foundation.

Belief in family is also crucial to giving children a role model for future stability and mutual love.

Lorena works full-time for Casa de Sueños. So does her husband, Giovanni. Their two daughters see first-hand the positive effects that result from showing compassion to others.

Casa de Sueños is a respected, transparent organization

When donating to a nonprofit, it’s essential to have confidence that the funds will be used effectively and transparently. Casa de Sueños prides itself on maintaining the utmost transparency and accountability in all its financial dealings. They are audited annually and regularly share progress reports, financial statements, and success stories, assuring donors that their contributions are making a tangible impact.

Lorena’s training as an accountant adds an extra level of integrity to this organization. She understands the importance of knowing where every penny goes.

A foundation with longevity

So many organizations start up with big dreams, but they don’t have the structure to maintain their momentum and close.

Casa de Sueños was established in 2014. Its mission was so compelling that the foundation quickly grew. Ten employees have lovingly served the children of Medellin for almost a decade.

Trusted. Tried. True to its principles, Casa de Sueños has a definite strategy on how to improve the lives of children, the community of Medellin, and the country of Colombia.

Why donate to Casa de Sueños?

Colombia is a nation rich in culture, history, and breathtaking landscapes. However, beneath the surface of its beauty lies a diverse range of challenges faced by its less fortunate communities. Poverty, lack of access to education, and limited healthcare are just a few of the struggles experienced by many Colombians.

But you can help, as Casa de Sueños is helping every day.

This “House of Dreams” is a premier nonprofit organization that dedicates itself to empowering vulnerable communities in Medellin. Through its multifaceted approach, Casa de Sueños provides a pathway to a better future for the children of the region.

Compassion matters.

Why donate to Casa de Sueños?

Because you CAN make a difference.

You CAN transform lives.

You CAN give hope.

You CAN change the world, one child at a time.

Why donate to Casa de Sueños?

Why WOULDN’T you donate to Casa de Sueños?

Be the change that transforms dreams into reality for the children of Medellin.

Casa de Sueños cannot exist without your help. We are a nonprofit foundation providing help to these children ONLY through the donations of people like you.

Any amount helps.

Donate here.

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Lorena’s Story: Hope for children from the Founder of Casa de Sueños