The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

Oscar’s Story: Teaching, Talent, and Desire to Serve God at Casa de Sueños

Oscar, teacher at Casa de Suenos, teaching children with balls.

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith;
if it is serving, then serve;
if it is teaching, then teach…”
– Romans 12: 6-7

“I touch the future. I teach.” – Quote from Christa McAuliffe

“I really love my job because I get to do what I love while helping people. Coming here every day and seeing the kids, the team, and the young women striving to improve themselves is incredibly fulfilling…”

Oscar’s story is a simple one. It’s a story of dedication to the future and a belief in doing good.

It’s a story bursting with the enthusiasm and vibrance of Oscar Linares, a dedicated young teacher of English at Casa de Sueños, who loves to talk about his work. Oscar works full-time for Casa de Sueños, Medellin’s premier foundation for poor children and abused young women. His full-time job duties include teaching English and acting as communications director for the nonprofit organization.

Oscar, a university student who has completed eight semesters of a Social Communications degree and will graduate next year, understands the problems kids face growing up in Medellin. He, too, was born and raised here. His connection with Casa de Sueños came about in 2020 when he met Lorena Vasquez, the founder, while volunteering to help with a food donation program.

After Lorena got to know Oscar, she recognized what everyone who meets him recognizes. Oscar is smart, optimistic, and truly cares about other people. He’s also bilingual in English and Spanish, just what the children and young women involved in the programs at Casa de Sueños need!

“When Lorena offered me the opportunity, I accepted immediately because I was already familiar with the Foundation and love its mission.”

Knowing English is an essential tool for a better life

Oscar believes that it’s important for children to learn English because knowing the language opens opportunities and is essential for a better life. He knows that if children start learning it from a young age, they will grasp it more easily, increasing their chances of a prosperous future.

One of his most poignant memories is when a young kid named Jesus told Oscar that he had been practicing English because he wanted to have a better life to help his family.

“It touched my heart because that’s the essence of what we’re trying to do – empower them with tools for a better future.”

Teaching at Casa de Sueños

Teaching is an art that Oscar is well-suited for. His energy ignites the kids’ energy. His compassion fuels the kids’ desire to learn. Oscar knows that great teachers make the lessons interesting, so he goes above and beyond to create activities and lessons that excite the students.

“Teaching kids is challenging, especially considering their varying ages. That’s why I’m always trying to be creative in my classes. I’ve incorporated games such as using a small ball to teach them directional words like up, down, right, and left. We’ve also done manual activities to learn new vocabulary.”

Oscar teaching the children of Casa de Suenos English.

Oscar’s Story: Favorite moments

Oscar admits that every class is special to him. His favorite moments happen when he finishes a class, and every single child says “Gracias.” The sound of those voices lingers in his mind, leaving cherished memories.

What does the future hold?

No one knows what the future holds, but we all have hopes. Oscar plans to continue his studies, finish his degree, and pursue a Master’s degree in journalism or politics.

“My dream is to utilize all my talents and knowledge to serve people, as I firmly believe that I am here to spread love and serve as per God’s calling.”

Careers, kids, and serving the Lord

Teaching is an important profession. Good communication skills and knowledge of how to effect change are vital elements of congenial relationships and successful businesses.

Oscar Linares brings his special skills to Casa de Sueños.

His talents, training, and tremendous love flow into the students and staff at Casa de Sueños. Oscar is blessed in that he has chosen a profession that fits his personality and his desire to serve God.

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