The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

One Teacher’s Story: Our Work of Love Will Not Stop

Andrea, a teacher at Casa de Sueños, with a few of her students, laughing.

Andrea, a dedicated professional at Casa de Sueños

 “Train children in the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
– Proverbs 22:6

Casa de Sueños is the premier nonprofit foundation for poor children and abused young women in the city of Medellin, Colombia.

But no matter how superior the programs and facilities are, Casa de Sueños cannot succeed without the compassion and dedication of its staff.

Andrea Restrepo is one of the dedicated professionals at Casa de Sueños. She has given her life to teaching, called to the profession by God, happy to do his work.

Here is one teacher’s story, in her own words:

The Beginning for Andrea

It all started twelve years ago.

I always had a very maternal heart towards children and felt compassion that bubbled up from a place I couldn’t identify.

God took me to a place where they welcomed completely helpless children from one of the most dangerous and vulnerable neighborhoods in Medellín.

My heart broke for these children. Their physical need in terms of care, feeding, and education was overwhelming, but what really got to me was each child’s need to feel loved and to be seen by someone.

For several years, I worked at this place, giving all my love and care to these children. Sadly, like in so many nonprofit organizations, this place had to close its doors. Most of the children were handed over to Family Welfare, foster homes, or returned to the neighborhood where they came from to be delivered to distant relatives.

The call to teach

Those doors had closed, but I felt compelled by love to go to this neighborhood and look for the children. I didn’t know anything about being a teacher or teaching strategies, but every Sunday without fail, for eight years, I was in that neighborhood teaching the children. Together with a group of friends, we went into the streets, bringing physical food. Most importantly, we provided spiritual food, watching how these little ones were transformed by the love of God.

During and after this experience I felt that God wanted to prepare me as a teacher. He wanted me to bring his love to the new generations through his Word. He wanted me to bring his message, combined with a good education, creativity, and inspiration. It was clear to me that everything was part of his plan, to help not only the children of the neighborhood where I worked for so many years, but also those who are now my students at Casa de Sueños.

Twelve years ago, God revealed to my heart his passionate love for the new generations. My passion was ignited. Every day since then, my desire to know and walk in God’s purpose grows, helping children along the way.

A typical day

My day starts at 6:40 in the morning when I leave my house to take the bus. I live in a municipality outside of Medellín, and the traffic can be so heavy that it takes me almost 2 hours to get to work.

At 9:40: am we begin a time of prayer with the children. Then we get ready for homework, consultations, academic reinforcement, or extra activities that we have prepared for that day. Those activities may include instruction in English, nutrition, values, dealing with emotions, doing crafts, or focusing on Bible lessons. The day ends around 12:30 when I deliver the children to their public schools.

At 1:00 pm in the afternoon the second group enters, and the routine starts over. This group has been to their public-school session in the morning. We have our prayer time and the usual activities during the afternoon hours, following the same curriculum as the morning session.

The day ends at 5:00 pm, although I often stay longer to prepare my lesson plans for the next day.

I head back to my house on the bus then and hope that everything goes well with the return traffic!

One teacher’s story: Biggest Obstacle

One of the most common obstacles or pressures I see on a daily basis is how the distortion of today’s value system – along with the educational models followed in schools – have combined to sexually indoctrinate our children.

The lack of parental support along with the influence of peers cause children to question themselves, often being led to drugs and making bad decisions.

Every day I remind the children who they are and what God says about them. I emphasize that they are the salt and light of the world and that they must shine to illuminate the darkness. They must learn about the promises and power of God so that they are not moved or carried away by the system that wants to destroy their innocence and their faith.

Most Memorable Experience

I couldn’t count or list one single experience that’s been the most memorable. Every moment is truly golden. Every day is a new experience no matter how beautiful or dark the panorama looks.

But something that is absolutely memorable for me are the moments when we receive new children at the foundation. There is celebration in my heart every time a child is found by our Father God and taken to the foundation to receive love, protection, care, security, education, and above all, meet his eternal Father JESUS.

It is always memorable to feel the expectation and excitement that a new life will be transformed.

Andrea, one teacher at Casa de Sueños, with two young girl students.
“There is celebration in my heart every time a child is found by our father God and taken to the foundation to receive love, protection, care, security, education, and above all, meet his eternal father JESUS.”
– Andrea Restrepo

Favorite thing about the job

It really is not a job for me to do what I do. It is a passion, a heavenly assignment, for me. It is a delight independent of all the challenges and pressures that may arise every day.

What I like most about this assignment is that I am on a true journey of learning to love, and I am still at the beginning of that path. I only have one goal, one objective, one mission: LEARN TO LOVE MORE. Love each child. Look at them one by one in the eyes and love them.

I pray that God can love each little one through me.

I love to see them grow, learn, dream, and be free as perhaps they cannot be in their homes.  I love to see how their little hearts are transformed and changed. I love to see how children are used by God even to heal others who come from different parts of the world.

I love to see that everything we are sowing in these new generations – love, education, values, and most importantly, the knowledge of God – will result in children full of LOVE AND FAITH who will be true agents of change and transformation, not only in our city but also around the world.

I love seeing each volunteer who arrives. They are fundamental in all this work, absolutely incredible, and loved by the team at Casa de Sueños. The volunteers are truly part of our family here. Each one gives the foundation inspiration and motivation to continue. These kind and generous people support and help not only our corporation, but also people wherever they are.

Teaching these children is truly incredible and a great happiness. At Casa de Sueños, our work of love will not stop.

”At Casa de Sueños, our work of love will not stop.”
-Andrea Restrepo

One teacher's Story: Andrea at Casa de Sueños

Big Dreams…if more funds were available

If we had more funds, we could make this already wonderful foundation even better.

Without a doubt, we could get a larger place, more computer rooms, and more play spaces.

By having a much larger place we could receive more children. In addition, we could expand the programs within the foundation. Ideally, we could institute a program specifically for adolescents. Children in the “Childhood” program now leave when they turn thirteen. Sometimes, they completely disassociate themselves from the foundation, and we do not know what happens to them after they leave. By having a program only for adolescents between 13 and 16 years old, we could guarantee a deeper and more meaningful process for each child until they can enter a university.

One teacher’s story of an even bigger hope….

In the long term, the foundation can have bases in different parts of the world, replicating the process and programs we’ve already refined here.

And a bigger dream yet…WHY NOT?

We could have our own primary school: Casa de Sueños!

How you can help

If you care about children who need help…

If you believe that education changes lives…

If you understand teachers who have a vocation, not a job…

If you want to support Andrea and the staff at Casa de Sueños….

If you think that Jesus meant it when he said, “suffer the little children to come to me…”

Donate HERE.

Andrea: one teacher's story of love and laughter at Casa de Sueños

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