The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

“New Generation” Teens at Casa de Sueños, Unlock Bright Futures, One Saturday at a Time

New Generation Teens at Casa de Suenos working on a project.

“New Generation” Teens at Casa de Sueños: A Supportive Journey 

In the inquilinatos of Medellin, where dreams often collide with harsh realities, Casa de Sueños offers support to young teens. For more than a decade, Casa de Sueños has nurtured poor children, providing a haven for children aged six through twelve. The award-winning “Childhood” provides counseling, education, food, social activities, support for families, fellowship, and the foundations of a lifelong faith to poor kids. But what about those who have outgrown the innocence of childhood? The answer lies in a the “New Generation” Teens at Casa de Sueños program. 

The Missing Link: Adolescents and Their Quest for Purpose 

Not only does Casa de Sueños offer the The Childhood Program  for young kids, but Casa de Sueños protects, guides, and supports abused young women. The Helping Hand program is also an award-winning program. for the population of young women who have been lured into the sex trade or who have suffered domestic abuse.

Until now, girls and boys aged thirteen to eighteen didn’t have a support group atCasa de Sueños. The Birth of “New Generation” Teens at Casa de Sueños is a safe haven for those teenagers.

Casa de Sueños recognized the gap in outreach for teens aged 13 to 18. The visionary team designed the “New Generation” program, a bridge from childhood to adulthood. Its goal?  To empower adolescents, guide their aspirations, and ignite the spark of purpose.

Teenaged boy discussing project with friends in New Generation teen program at Casa de Suenos.

Saturday Sessions: Unleashing Potential  

Ten eager students, all graduates of the “Childhood” program, now embark on a new journey. Every Saturday, they gather at Casa de Sueños. From career exploration workshops to mentor-led discussions, each session fuels curiosity and ambition.  

Each Saturday session is built on the week before.  

First, the students made agreements and house rules that they would follow during their program.   

Since part of the program is for the students to recognize their own abilities and those of others, the New Generation program promotes communication between individuals and the whole group. One of the first projects was the creation of an individual newspaper where each person described themselves, writing down the dreams they want to achieve.  

Personal newspaper

The next Saturday, we did group exhibitions. Students broke up into small groups and agreed on relevant topics such as what the country needs, what they like about their city, what they might be able to do to help their community, and other subjects. 

 Every Saturday includes stimulating games including role playing where students experience different professions. Every person is born with certain gifts, and one of the goals of the New Generation Program is to help each student identify their gifts and think about their future.    

Poor children get a boost in discovering what they like, what they are good at, and what their career aspirations might be.  Not only do they begin to think about their future, but they are also provided with resources and a supportive community to pursue those dreams.  

Guides and Guardians for the “New Generation” Teens at Casa de Sueños

Three dedicated teachers or guides accompany the teens. Alongside them, a familiar face from the center’s full-time staff joins the circle. Conversations range from career paths to life choices, all within a safe and loving atmosphere. 

Caring adult guides offer these young people options for their future, making sure that they know they are not consigned to a life of poverty.   

Group of "New Generation" teens at Casa de Suenos with their leaders

Preventing the Perils of Poverty  

Right now, the youth enrolled are students who had been students of the “Childhood” program. But as the program is refined and expanded, young people without prior exposure to Casa de Sueños will be welcomed.   

It’s no secret that the adolescent years are difficult. However, adolescents from impoverished backgrounds often face even tougher decisions based on survival. Casa de Sueños aims to prevent risky choices that plague many inquiline-dwelling teens. By offering guidance, presenting resources, and providing healthy social interactions and peer support, the New Generation program becomes a shield against adversity and a boost toward a promising future. 

New Generation Teens at Casa de Suenos enjoying snacks and fellowship on a red checked tablecloth

The Unique Angle: Dreams as Architects of Change 

Casa de Sueños is more than a building; it’s where hopes and dreams abound. Each Saturday, as these teens explore, question, and envision, they lay the foundation for their futures. In their whispers, we see the promise of a brighter tomorrow.  

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Empowering Girls to Become Strong Colombian Women: The Mission of Casa de Sueños