The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

Joy to the World – and to the Children of Casa de Sueños!

If you have good memories of Christmases filled with gifts, family gatherings, and goodwill to all, you are blessed.

Not everyone has positive associations with the holidays. Many of the children and young women in Medellin, have not had those same blessings.

Unless they’ve come to Casa de Sueños!

Joy to the Children of Casa de Sueños

It’s easy to lose sight of the good in the world when we’re surrounded by news of war, violence, and poverty.

Many children of Medellin are from poor families living in the inquilinatos. Sometimes they are socially isolated, physically abused, or hungry.

But joy came to the world at Christmas. Here at Casa de Sueños, joy comes to our children not only at Christmas, but also every day they’re here.

“Good tidings of great joy!”

We want you to know how people with compassion and love in their hearts make good things happen for others.

Lorena Vasquez, the founder of Casa de Sueños, reflects on why she founded Casa de Sueños, and why Christmas is so special at Medellin’s premier nonprofit for poor children and abused young women.

“This season reminds me that God has helped me, and I should be grateful because just as He has helped me. He gives me the chance to do it for others going through tough times.”

The kids feel it too!
Andrea, a child of Casa de Sueños

“It’s my favorite place! The teachers, my friends, and everyone here makes me feel really good.”  – Andrea

Carlitos, a child of Casa de Sueños

“Everything feels different here. I like it because I’m with my friends, we go to fun places, and they make us feel very special.” – Carlitos

Jordana, a child of Casa de Sueños

“I love Christmas here because we sing, play, and it always surprises us with gifts.” – Jordana

Young Women in the Helping Hand Program

One of the fundamental differences between Casa de Sueños and other nonprofit foundations is that Casa de Sueños helps not just poor children but also abused young women.

The Helping Hand program recognizes that girls with troubled backgrounds can find joy, too. All they need is a little help. Casa de Sueños offers them emotional counseling, English education, courses in computer literacy, software training, and career coaching. Friendship, fellowship, and faith are given freely by example and spread in a contagion of love.

Casa de Sueños

Lulu, the social worker at Casa de Sueños, knows that the Christmas holidays are meaningful to both staff and students:

“Christmas is special because we have the opportunity to help many families and give them a different experience.”

The young women in the Helping Hand Program appreciate what Casa de Sueños does, particularly during the holiday.

“This month always feels different. Although some of us have had bad memories of things we’ve been through, being here is always healing, especially during the holidays.” – Nallely

“I like it because the foundation always surprises us and makes us feel important.” – Daniela

Young women with big red bags of Christmas gifts

Lorena’s husband, Giovanny, works full-time for Casa de Sueños alongside his wife. Both believe in the power of goodness and compassion and practice Christian teachings of benevolence every day. Giovanny notes that giving to others is good for both the recipients and the givers!

“Christmas in this place is something incredible. Even though it creates a lot of work for us, seeing the smiles of children, young people, and entire families makes it all worthwhile!”

laughing children of Casa de Sueños at Christmas

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