The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

How You Can Change Lives with a Gift of $5.00 a Month

"a generous person will prosper" poster reflecting the idea that $5.00 a month will change lives.

If you’re blessed with extra money, what do you do with it?

Do you splurge on a new pair of shoes? Buy yourself a book? Treat yourself to an ice-cream cone?

Twenty extra bucks in your pocket could buy you lots of little gadgets and gizmos in America.

  • A charger cord for your electronic devices
  • One and a half fast-food lunches, average price in America between $11 and $20.
  • Four cups of specialty coffee at a branded coffee shop, average price, $4.99 each cup.
  • A personal fan to cool you in the increasing heat of a warming world.
  • One bucket of popcorn and a drink at a movie theater.

But a little bit of extra money given to others will change a life for the better by feeding, teaching, and giving hope to a child. When you donate to Casa de Sueños, you help poor children and abused young women trying to start over.

If you don’t have an extra twenty bucks, no worries.

You can change lives with a small gift of $5.00. If you can afford $5.00 each month you can work wonders!

Remember the story of the Widow’s Mite?

Jesus watched people giving offerings at the temple. He saw “many rich people putting their money into the temple treasury.” Then he witnessed a widow drop her offering of two small copper coins into the kettle. It was a tiny gift, but Jesus knew that in proportion to what the widow had, it was huge. He noted that while the temple was made from vast donations, it would not stand the test of time. (Luke 21:1-6)

‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

The take-away is that Jesus taught that the small gifts from God’s people were lasting gifts.

If you’re not wealthy, giving $5.00 is a meaningful act of generosity because it’s a higher proportion of your assets.

graph showing power of donations for Casa de Suenos from $5 to $100

Know this: Your gift of $5.00 a month will change lives

Even small amounts can make a lasting impact for the children and young women of Casa de Sueños.

Small amounts as a monthly donation make an even bigger impact because it’s an amount that can now be budgeted and counted on. Monthly donations mean that the funds to pay for nourishment for one child each day are guaranteed.

One person’s gift is great, but a dozen people making small donations on a monthly basis create a community of generosity, a powerful force for the good of those who need help.

Know this:

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”
 – Oscar Wilde

An act of kindness doesn’t have to be big to be meaningful.

One small gift to alleviate hunger and help poor children is of vital importance to one child.

The Lord recognized the worth of the smallest gift from the widow. He will recognize the givers of compassionate gifts of all sizes from those who make them.

For the cost of a single cup of fancy coffee, you can provide enough food for a child for an entire day! If you can make that small gift each month, you will feed a child for TWELVE days!

If more than one person gives small donations each month, we become a powerful community of  donors defeating hunger, changing lives, and giving hope.

Casa de Sueños: “Where hopes and dreams abound.”

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Uplifting Quotes about Giving that Explain Why Casa de Suenos’ Donors Give
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Oscar’s Story: Teaching, Talent, and Desire to Serve God at Casa de Sueños