The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

How Casa de Sueños Helps the Poor Children of Medellín Build a Better Future 

Casa de Sueños helps poor children learn to read

The poor children of Medellin

Children living in the “inquilinatos,” what Americans would call “slums,” have a tough life. They are often left alone, unsupervised and roaming the streets. Sometimes, they are locked in rooms during the day to keep them safe while a parent works. They are frequently hungry, not knowing if they will have enough food on any given day. Surrounded by poverty, crime, alcohol, drugs, and purveyors of the sex trade, these kids can be dragged into a dismal existence that is hard to escape.

Imagine being a young child facing this loneliness and fear every day.

Now imagine that there is a place that takes these children, nurtures them, educates them, provides social activities, and offers a foundation of Christian faith that will lift them up and help them build a better future.

That’s what we do. Casa de Sueños helps the poor children of Medellin.

Madeline, a student at Casa de Sueños tell how the school helps her.

The foundation has so many things that I like, but my favorites are the love that they bring me, the respect, and how friendly they are.
– Madeline

Lorena Vasquez, the founder of Casa de Sueños saw the need of these young ones facing very difficult circumstances. She understood it because she, too, had experienced the pain of growing up in the slums of Medellín.

With perseverance, dedication, and God’s guidance, Lorena founded Casa de Sueños, which is now the premier nonprofit foundation for children in Medellín. Over the years, Lorena developed two internationally acclaimed programs: One for young boys and girls aged 6 through 12, called “Childhood.” The second program, “A Helping Hand,” is designed specifically for abused young women.

How Casa de Sueños’ “Childhood” program helps poor children

Will the future change if kids growing up in the slums had guidance, education, friendship, food, and faith?

Casa de Sueños knows it will and has witnessed it many times.

The “Childhood” program helps them build a better future.

Only children who meet the age requirement, who live in the slums, and who have a parent or caretaker willing to make sure the children get to Casa de Sueños are accepted into the “Childhood” program.

Thirty children are enrolled in the “Childhood” program. Fifteen attend the morning session, and fifteen others attend the afternoon session.

Our lead teacher is Andrea, and in addition to planning group lessons, she also provides individualized lesson plans for each child. If a student is lacking in a certain skill, she will prepare special materials for that child.

Mateo, a student at Casa de Sueños

My favorite thing in the foundation is playing with my friends and the love that the teacher brings me.
– Mateo

In this small, intimate group setting, one of the greatest benefits is that children help each other. If one child is good at a topic, he or she will help another, fostering a kind of peer mentoring that helps students learn faster and complete homework with true comprehension.

Casa de Sueños provides textbooks and instructs students in science, math, and English along with Bible lessons. The teacher and two aides, along with other volunteers and staff members, set a Christian example, loving each child and encouraging the growth of faith.

A psychologist and social worker are also on staff to counsel children, helping them recover from the emotional trauma they’ve endured.

Casa de Sueños fills many needs

Children are fed two meals a day at Casa de Sueños, reducing the hunger many of them had previously experienced. As our foundation grew and was recognized for excellence, more people saw what we were doing and started donating.

When we first opened, we could not feed these children. Now, thanks to donors, we provide food, not just in mental and spiritual sustenance, but in physical sustenance as well.

We also plan and provide experiences that these kids haven’t had. Going to the movies. Walking into a library. Visiting a university. Playing games with other kids. We show them that there is a full, satisfying life outside the slums!

Miguel, another happy student at Casa de Sueños!

“I love the food that they give us and playing with my friends here. I really love when we play soccer.”
– Miguel

So much more to do!

While our “Childhood” program is successful, there is so much more to do.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could help more than thirty children?

Wouldn’t it be incredible if we could help children older than twelve?

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could help children younger than six?

We could with YOUR help.

You can be a vital resource in helping the poor children of Medellín.

You can help MORE children who need it.

Feed them. Educate them. Nurture them.

Brighten the future of kids who might not have hope without your help.

Donate to Casa de Sueños.

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How Casa de Sueños Gives a Helping Hand to Abused Young Women
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Healing Broken Hearts at Casa de Sueños: Olga’s Story