The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

Honest Reasons Medellín’s Casa de Sueños is the #1 Nonprofit for Children

Two girls who are Casa de Sueños students

#1 nonprofit for children in Medellin

Colombia is a generous country. Citizens gratefully support organizations dedicated to helping others. Hundreds of charitable foundations exist all over Colombia, each focused on a specific need. But no doubt about it, one foundation rises to the top when it comes to helping children in need.

If you have a heart for children, there’s no question which foundation to donate to.

Casa de Sueños is the #1 nonprofit for children in Medellín.

Not an idle claim

The claim that Casa de Sueños is the number one nonprofit organization is not an idle claim.

It is based on international and regional acclaim.

The renowned Konecta Foundation, an international organization focused on supporting social development through innovative projects throughout the world, has bestowed two prestigious awards on Casa de Sueños for its exemplary programs.

Lorena Vasquez is the co-founder of Casa de Sueños. She worked with government programs for children for many years before putting her experience to good use by developing, testing, refining, and implementing two stellar programs to help underprivileged children gain the education and skills they need to succeed outside of the slums. Lorena’s programs are not based on “babysitting” children. They are based on teaching and nurturing students through education, experiences, and therapy.

Casa de Sueños offers programs for two distinct groups.

Each program has been rigorously tested and modified until excellent results are consistently produced with children learning to thrive in their environment.

Here are 7 reasons that Casa de Sueños is the #1 nonprofit for children in Medellin!

Reason #1: Award-winning “Childhood” program for young children

First, there’s a program designed specifically to nurture young children. Both boys and girls aged six to twelve years of age are accepted. Children in this age range living in the tenements are often left alone during the day. Lorena understood this problem because she, too, experienced it as a young girl.

Our “Childhood” program provides valuable social experiences, group activities, guidance, and education in basic English for these young children. Each child gets two meals a day.

Reason #2: Award-winning program for poor and abused girls

Girls in Medellín are at a high risk for prostitution, drug addiction, and being coerced into the sex trade.

The second program gives young girls who are homeless a chance to become healthy, productive citizens. The “Helping Hand” program includes training in basic life skills, English education, computer literacy, and counseling from a psychologist and a social worker.

Like the younger children, these abused girls also receive two meals a day.

Reason #3: The City of Medellín recognizes the exemplary work of Casa de Sueños

The exemplary programs of Casa de Sueños have been acclaimed by both global and local organizations.

Not only did Casa de Sueños receive two international awards from the Konecta Foundation, but Casa de Sueños is recognized every year by the city of Medellín as a premier foundation. The city bestowed on Casa de Sueños the highest rating for any charitable foundation in Medellín.

Without doubt, Casa de Sueños is the #1 nonprofit for impoverished and abused children in Medellín.

Reason #4: Graduation Rate

One of the many reasons that the programs of Casa de Sueños excel where other programs fail is that our connection to the students is long-term.

Children who participate are enrolled in courses. In many cases, the courses are intensive one-month studies, and by the end of the courses, the students have achieved mastery of the subject matter resulting in a certification. These certifications result in the students having knowledge that puts them ahead when they go to school, making them more successful in education than other students without the benefit of Casa de Sueños’ training.

Casa de Sueños is the #1 nonprofit for children because it is not a program where kids appear for a day or a week, and then stop coming. Casa de Sueños nurtures and guides those kids for the long-term, helping 96% of these children to graduate from the educational programs offered at Casa de Sueños.

Reason #5: People who care deeply

The team that works at Casa de Sueños is not simply doing a job. It is changing lives. The team members believe wholeheartedly in their God-given mission to help the underprivileged and abused children of Medellín.

The founder, Lorena, grew up in the slums. She overcame the difficult surroundings, earned an accounting degree, and got a high-paying job, but she felt passionately that the Lord had a different calling for her. She made the decision to quit her job so that she could implement programs that would be far more effective than short-term band-aid solutions offered in other institutions.

Lorena has personally hired each of the ten team members who have also chosen to help the poor, needy, and abused children of Medellín. Each one loves the children and sees their love reciprocated.

Reason #6: Family-oriented

Many kids in the tenements of Medellín do not understand the concept of “family” until they witness it at Casa de Sueños.

Casa de Sueños exemplifies the concept of healthy, family-oriented life.

Lorena’s husband, Giovanni, also works full time in the foundation, and the entire family, including their two daughters, are involved in the compassionate mission of helping impoverished children rise above their circumstances.

Reason #7: Christian Principles

Casa de Sueños is founded on Christian principles and Biblical teaching.

Kindness. Compassion. Patience. Reverence for God’s word. These are the behaviors modeled and taught at the #1 nonprofit for children in Medellín.

Children who receive guidance, compassion, and love, and who witness God’s commands in action will build a vibrant future for Colombia.

Give to Medellín’s #1 nonprofit for children in Medellin

Your gift will change lives and allow this great organization to heal and help even more children for years to come.

Donate to Casa de Sueños.

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