The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

Healing Broken Hearts at Casa de Sueños: Olga’s Story

Olga, counselor at Casa de Sueños, and kids on a dock

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
– Psalms 34:18

Olga’s Story: Healing Hearts

In the bustling heart of Medellin, Colombia, where the vibrant colors of culture blend with the stark realities of abuse and poverty, there exists a beacon of hope. This beacon is a psychologist, a remarkable individual who has dedicated her life to helping abused young women and children find solace, strength, and a path to healing.

Olga Lucía Ríos is that beacon of hope. She heals hearts, mends minds, and soothes souls at Casa de Sueños, the premier nonprofit in Medellin helping poor children and abused young women.

This is Olga’s story.

A Calling from an Early Age

From the tender age of eleven, Olga knew she was destined for community work. The seeds of empathy and compassion were sown deep within her heart, and as the years passed, they continued to grow. She loved visiting villages, talking to people, and planning activities for young people and children. Teaching seemed like the perfect career for her because she fervently believed that education was the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and abuse.

As often happens, her journey led her in an unexpected direction.

Olga realized that many of her students faced emotional and developmental challenges that hindered their learning. This realization led her to embark on a new path, one where she could directly address these profound needs.

She became a psychologist so she could use her unique gifts and her passion for people with emotional difficulties. Olga knew that helping them find psychological support was her true purpose.

Admiring Resilience Amidst Adversity

The young women and children at Casa de Sueños are poor. Most live in the “inquilinatos,” what Americans would call “slums.” Many of them are victims of violence, domestic abuse, or the sex trade. The vast majority of children in the Childhood program and the young women in the Helping Hand program carry emotional scars in their hearts, minds, and souls.

Every single day, Olga witnesses the unwavering resilience of the young women she works with. Despite the heavy burdens of abuse and poverty that they carry, these young souls display an extraordinary strength to keep going that leaves her humbled and inspired.

Olga gains strength from witnessing their determination to rise above their circumstances. In spite of their problems, they seek a brighter future. These young women want to heal from the scars of their past. This indomitable spirit fuels Olga’s commitment to their well-being.

The Heartbreaking Suicide That Shook Her to the Core

Yet, amidst the stories of triumph, there was one that shook Olga to her core—a young woman named Maria had been through unimaginable abuse and poverty. Despite Olga’s best efforts, she couldn’t help Maria enough. Maria, a young woman whose fear of sexual abuse kept her from believing she had a good future, took her own life.

Olga was devastated.

But in that moment, Olga was reminded of a profound truth: she was merely an instrument in the grand scheme of life. She could not control the actions of others. She could only give them tools to deal with the past and strategies for moving ahead. Maria made her choice, and everyone left behind could only grieve the loss and work to keep such tragedy from happening to others.

The weight of Maria’s tragedy weighed upon her, but it also reaffirmed Olga’s mission to make a difference in the lives of those she served.

A Grueling Daily Journey

Every day, Olga embarks on a grueling journey, a 1.5-hour commute each way, to reach Casa de Sueños. She conducts interviews with young people, children, and families, listening to their stories of pain and resilience. She schedules home visits, ensuring that no one is left behind.

With tireless dedication, she meticulously records the support offered and the insights gained during her interviews. Her work hours are fluid, bending to accommodate the schedules of her students, ensuring that their emotional and developmental needs are met.

Empowering Through Workshops

Olga’s work goes beyond the confines of an office or a counseling room. She prepares workshops that equip her young charges with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges. These workshops focus on conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, teamwork, and improved social skills. Through these sessions, she helps them build the foundation for a brighter future.

A Vision for the Future

Despite the immense impact she has made, she knows there is much more work to do in Medellin. Olga has dreams of expanding and enhancing the programs and facilities of Casa de Sueños.

Her hope is that Casa de Sueños can provide funds for basic needs like food and housing for more students. She envisions additional staff, improved transportation options, academic tutors, and specialized medical care for those in her care.

Olga believes that if more people knew about the work of Casa de Sueños the nonprofit could expand its facilities and institute more care programs. Most specifically, the organization would like to develop programs specifically tailored to teenagers aged 12 to 18, addressing their unique needs and challenges.

Since a better future depends on employability, Olga hopes for support for more career development, providing these young women and children with the skills and opportunities they need to break free from the cycles of abuse and poverty.

A Journey Fueled by Compassion

In the heart of Medellin, where abuse and poverty cast long shadows, Olga’s journey shines as a testament to the power of compassion, resilience, and hope. She is a guiding light, walking alongside the young women and children she serves, offering them not just her expertise but her unwavering belief in their potential.

Olga’s story reminds us all that during life’s darkest moments, there are individuals who dedicate themselves to bringing light and healing. Our psychologist is one such hero, and her work continues to make a profound difference in the lives of those who need it most.

A Fulfilling Journey of Meaning and Gratitude

Olga never forgets the moments of fulfillment and gratitude that punctuate her path.

She finds profound gratification in witnessing the young women she has worked with move forward in life, discovering greater meaning and stability.

What truly warms her heart is when children who have graduated from the program return to say hello. These reunions are precious moments. They reminisce about the happy times they shared at Casa de Sueños, reminding Olga that she played a part in changing their lives.

But perhaps some of the most touching moments for our psychologist is when families who have transformed their lives with the help of the foundation express their gratitude. Sometimes in a note. Sometimes in a small gift. Sometimes in a visit. These gestures of appreciation are tangible proof of the difference that the organization has made in their lives.

In these meaningful moments, Olga finds renewed purpose and strength.

Healing broken hearts brings hope

Olga’s story proves that the impact of compassion and dedication extends far beyond statistics and facts. It reaches into the depths of the human soul, bringing light to the darkest corners and igniting the spark of hope in the hearts of those who have suffered. Olga stands as a shining example of the difference one person can make in the lives of many, leaving a legacy of love, healing, and transformation in her wake.

You, too, can be a beacon of hope.

Donate to Casa de Sueños where hearts are healed and hopes and dreams abound.

Donate here.

“Dear friend,
I pray that you may enjoy good health
and that all may go well with you,
even as your soul is getting along well.”
– 3 John 1:2

Olga, hugging kids


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How Casa de Sueños Helps the Poor Children of Medellín Build a Better Future 
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