The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

Five Compelling Reasons Why Giving to Charity is Actually Good for You

man lifting head to the sky while walking the beach

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,
and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver.”
-2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Is Giving to Charity Actually Good for You?

Your gifts are a true blessing to Casa de Sueños. Without your generosity, this premier nonprofit for poor children and abused young women could not exist. The future of Medellin – and Colombia as a whole – would not look as bright if you did not have a heart for those less fortunate than you.

But did you know that not only are you helping others when you give to Casa de Sueños, but you are helping yourself?

That’s right.

Giving to charity is actually good for you!

Here are five compelling reasons why this is true:

ONE: Proven Health Benefits

Would you believe that giving to charity makes you healthier?

It’s true!

Over and over again, research has proven that giving to charity has many benefits, including improved health.

People who give to others have lowered blood pressure. Donating to charities improved their blood pressure significantly, similar to the impact of medication or a new exercise routine! This may be because gift-giving reduces a chemical in your brain called “cortisol.” Cortisol is a stress hormone.

Multiple studies found that people who volunteer to help others live longer than those who don’t volunteer. They also have a decreased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Even medical patients with significant illnesses like HIV and Multiple Sclerosis demonstrate health benefits when they’ve given to charity.

TWO: Giving to Charity Makes You Happier

Giving to charity gives you a chemical high without any drugs!

When you do something kind for someone else, your brain secretes biochemicals that are known to make you feel good. Your brain releases the mood-enhancer, serotonin, along with dopamine. Dopamine generates a sense of pleasure. In addition, your brain produces oxytocin when you do something kind for others. Oxytocin stimulates the feeling of being connected to others.

MRIs of the brain show that when people donate, certain areas of the brain light up. Those are the areas that identify pleasure and reward. Giving to charity activates the same areas of the brain as eating a great meal!

Sometimes this combination of brain chemicals is called “the Helper’s High.”

Yes. Giving to charity is actually good for you!

THREE: Donating to Charity improves mental wellbeing

Many people in contemporary society probably don’t believe that letting go of money, giving donations to strangers, and/or volunteering valuable time makes you feel better.

But they don’t know the truth.

Giving to charity improves your mental wellbeing in multiple ways.

“Givers” and volunteers demonstrate greater self-esteem and satisfaction with life after doing acts of kindness. They noted a sense of purpose that gave them more energy and lowered the risk of depression.

Even people who were mourning the loss of a spouse recovered more quickly from the depressive effects of grief when they provided financial or physical assistance to others.

That’s not all.

Giving to charity stimulates empathy for others and creates bonds between diverse groups.

FOUR: The Amount is NOT What Matters!

You may think that your limited budget means you won’t get the benefits that big donors get. However, you’ll be surprised – and pleased – by these findings from the The Journal of Science!

Feelings of wellbeing (feeling good about yourself) increased as much when a person gave to charity as when a person’s salary doubled!

Spending money on other people or good causes increased the donors’ levels of happiness.

Purchasing new items or using money for personal expenses did not generate the increased level of happiness that spending on someone else did.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how much you give. What matters is the ACT of giving.

Donating money is one of the six strongest predictors of life satisfaction. (Only one of the six is income.)

FIVE: Generosity Creates a Ripple Effect!

Donating to charity is contagious.

When one person performs an act of kindness, it affects, influences, and inspires others. Someone who has experienced generosity is more likely to act generously to someone else. Research shows that altruism spreads by three degrees for each act of kindness; from person to person to person.

“As a result, each person in a network can influence dozens or even hundreds of people, some whom they do not know and have not met.”
-James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis

Giving to Charity, Especially Casa de Sueños, Is Good for You

You give because you believe in the worthiness of the cause, and you know the positive impact that Casa de Sueños is having on children and young women in Medellin. You don’t give because you think it will benefit you.

But it will.

Your physical and emotional state will be enhanced by your generosity.

Your gift will not only help you, but it will also bless the poor and abused children of Medellin who need your help.

Donate here.

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