The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

Donating to Casa de Sueños Is Easy. The Hard Work Has Already Been Done!

Children coloring at Casa de Sueños

Donations are the vital lifeblood of Casa de Sueños

You have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to make successful lives for yourselves. You live comfortably.

But God’s commandment to “open your hand wide to your brother, to the poor, and to the needy in your land” moves you to do good.

Now is the time to give back.

Casa de Sueños is the #1 nonprofit foundation in Medellín which welcomes, cares for and nurtures poor and abused children.

The team at Casa de Sueños spend their lives teaching, nurturing, guiding, feeding, and loving these children. Every single day, people with a heart for God and his children are caring for the emotional, mental, and physical well-being of the young ones who need care the most.

Your job is easy if you also have a heart for God and his children. All you have to do is open your wallet, click on a button, and give to Casa de Sueños.

It is an easy, generous thing to do and does not require that you perform the day-in, day-out duties of running a nonprofit foundation in a poor area of Medellín.

Lorena, the Founder of Casa de Sueños, has put in years of work

Lorena, the founder, grew up in the tenements. She has purposely given up her career as an accountant because she felt called to a life of service for Medellín’s poor and abused children. She and her family have worked tirelessly to create Casa de Sueños, the premier foundation for poor and abused children who have suffered sexual and physical abuse.

Now, her vision for a better future for the impoverished children of the slums is a reality.

But that vision requires work, dedication, and passion.

Every day, eleven people work for the good of these children. Lorena serves as Director of Casa de Sueños. Her job requires the administration of resources. She oversees the accounting of each transaction. She manages the agreements with educational institutions and companies, arranging job opportunities, field trips, and mentoring experiences. In addition, she constantly trains the ten people who work with her, prepares the annual reports to donors, and sets annual goals.

Lorena developed award-winning programs to give the children the fundamental social, developmental, and emotional skills they would need to succeed in life.

After nearly ten years, the proven results of her programs have earned Casa de Sueños international and local acclaim.

An entire team dedicated to children works every single day

Each staff member is passionate about helping the children and improving the future of Colombia. In addition to Lorena, ten other passionate professionals work with the children of Casa de Sueños. A psychologist and social worker help the young women deal with the emotional scars from ordeals of physical and mental abuse or time spent in the sex trade.

An accounting assistant, a graphic designer, public relations manager, and an outreach coordinator (who finds opportunities and sponsors for activities) all work tirelessly, day in and day out for the kids at Casa de Sueños. Two teachers, one for the boys and girls, and one for the young women, provide compassionate daily instruction.

The children are nourished by a cook who prepares two meals a day for all the children while keeping the kitchen spotless. A maintenance staff member attends to all janitorial and housekeeping duties.

Donating to Casa de Sueños is easy because the hard work is already done

No one needs to recreate another foundation for poor and abused children because the hard work of creating Casa de Sueños has already been done. Casa de Sueños exists in Medellín now, the premier nonprofit aiding underprivileged children. But it depends on you for its existence. There is no other source of funding. Your donations to this worthy cause are the vital lifeblood that enables the good work of Casa de Sueños to continue now and into the future.

Your donations will lift our children in Medellín out of their dire circumstances so they can attain the dreams that the most fortunate among us have already realized.

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed. – Proverbs 19:17

Today – and every day – others are caring for the poor and abused children being healed and nurtured at Casa de Sueños.

You can care for them, too.

You don’t need to shop and cook for them. You don’t need to teach them. You don’t have to counsel them, heal them, or mentor them.

All you need to do is donate so Casa de Sueños can continue its worthy purpose to make a better Colombia for everyone.

Donate now.

May God bless you for your generosity.

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Honest Reasons Medellín’s Casa de Sueños is the #1 Nonprofit for Children
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How to Help Abused Young Women in Medellín’s Dangerous Inquilinatos