The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

We Are Casa de Sueños

Casa de Sueños: Our name means “house of dreams,” the place where hope and dreams abound

 We give poor kids from Medellin the opportunity to experience what they dreamed but never thought possible

More than that, though, we give these kids new dreams. Dreams that, if they work hard and follow our teachings, will take them far beyond the cramped spaces and dark places they’ve known.

Our Story

Casa de Sueños was founded over ten years ago by a woman who grew up in the tenements of Medellin. Lorena Vasquez recalls her childhood days as poor, alone, locked up for her safety, and afraid. Things happened there that she would prefer not to remember.

But Lorena was determined to create a better life. In Lorena’s own words: “My resolve was clear: I would never again find myself trapped in a tenement.”

She worked hard, earned a university scholarship, studied accounting, and emerged as a Public Accountant. Lorena went on to become a director of a large program, supervising over 100 employees and having over 500 children in her charge.

Despite her success and accomplishments, Lorena felt God had a different plan for her. She dreamed of creating a high-quality program for children and young women that would help break the cycle of poverty that overwhelms the city of Medellin.

So she founded Casa de Sueños and, for two years, developed, tested, and revised two programs to help the children of the tenements.

Our Primary Programs

The Childhood Program

The Childhood Program of Casa de Sueños accepts kids from the tenements (”inquilinatos”) who are between 6 and 12 years old. 

In this program, the children:

  • Are fed two meals a day.
  • Attend psychotherapy sessions to heal trauma.
  • Attend classes in English, computers, math, and financial literacy.
  • Are instructed in Christian morals and principles.

The Helping Hand Program

The Helping Hand Program of Casa de Sueños accepts young women between the ages of 16 and 22 who have experienced drug abuse, sexual abuse, and sexual violence.

In this program, the young women:

  • Learn how to live a virtuous life.
  • Are fed two meals a day.
  • Attend psychotherapy sessions to heal trauma.
  • Learn practical skills in English, computer software, creating a resume, and interviewing for employment.
  • Are instructed in Christian morals and principles.

Both of our programs have been awarded prestigious international awards from the Konecta Foundation in Madrid. Not only that, the city of Medellin has recognized Casa de Sueños with the highest rating for any charitable foundation in Medellin.

Please support our programs with a donation

Even a small donation will make this story come true for one child more .