The Premier Foundation for Poor Children
and Abused Young Women in Medellin

5 Ways to Bring Light to a Dark World: Help Casa de Sueños

older and younger girl at Casa de Sueños.

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
-Hebrews 13:16

Have you ever been discouraged when watching the news?

Does it seem like the world is falling apart?

Feel like the darkness is descending?

One way to combat those feelings is to do good. To spread light. To be a force of righteousness in an unrighteous world. The desire to spread love is why so many people support nonprofit organizations.

There is no better nonprofit to support than Casa de Sueños, the premier nonprofit for poor children and abused young women in Medellin, Colombia.

You don’t have to be wealthy, live in Colombia, or know anyone associated with our organization.

All you have to want to do is help others and bring light to a dark world.

Why help Casa de Sueños?

In a world filled with challenges, nonprofit organizations stand as beacons of hope, working tirelessly to make the world a better place. Casa de Sueños is leading the way in Medellin.

Casa de Sueños helps children from the dangerous inquilinatos. The award-winning “Childhood” program offers children aged six to twelve two meals each day. Casa de Sueños provides  educational support, counseling, group activities, field trips, and the nurturing of Christian faith. .

Younger children, however, aren’t the only ones who need help. Abused young women, sixteen through twenty-two, also need support and guidance. So many young women in Medellin have been lured into the sex trade, an occupation that usually results in drug or alcohol dependence. Casa de Sueños knows this and has implemented the “Helping Hand” program.

Young women enrolled in the Helping Hand program receive emotional counseling, classes on computer literacy, learning English, basic software, career coaching and development, help with life skills, and support through the teaching of Christian principles.

5 ways to bring light to a dark world: Help Casa de Sueños

young children holding candles

ONE: Donate Financially: The Heartbeat of Nonprofits

Every dollar you donate counts! Nonprofits rely on financial contributions to fund their programs and operations. Not commercially motivated, nonprofits can operate only when individuals, foundations, and businesses support them with donations.

If you’re feeling discouraged about the state of the world, think about this:

In 2021, charitable giving in the United States totaled a staggering $471.44 billion, showcasing the power of collective generosity.

Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world ARE giving to nonprofits to support the work of helping others. You can be one of them.

Any amount helps.

You can donate to Casa de Sueños in any dollar amount, at any time, and on any schedule you like!

TWO: Volunteer Your Time: Your Greatest Gift

Your time is precious, and nonprofits are always in need of dedicated volunteers.

The good news is that many people are out there helping the nonprofits they love. They offer the valuable gift of their time and their presence.

In 2020, approximately 77.4 million Americans volunteered their time, equating to an estimated value of $187.7 billion.

If you travel to Colombia, opportunities for volunteering abound at Casa de Sueños.

Whether you help tutor, serve meals, chaperone field trips, or serve as a mentor, your life will be enriched when you volunteer your time with the vibrant community of children and staff at Casa de Sueños. The enthusiasm and excitement of the younger children will delight you. The resilience and perseverance of the young women will inspire you.

THREE: Encourage a business or corporation to help Casa de Sueños

Do you know a business owner? Are you working with a corporation?

Tell them about the good work of Casa de Sueños. Encourage them to donate to this worthy cause.

Share our moving stories of struggle and success with them. Tell them about the urgent need for this nonprofit organization.

Refer them to our website so they can read about us and understand the essential, compassionate services we offer that will improve individual lives, the environment of Medellin, and the future of Colombia.

FOUR: Hire our young women

2 young women students at Casa de Sueños in the healthcare field

Casa de Sueños takes young women out of the inquilinatos, frees them from the sex trade, and lifts them out of abusive domestic situations. At Casa de Sueños, these young women get a  chance at a new life. Our career training empowers our graduates to find decent jobs and earn a living wage.

Our students always find work because they have the necessary skills, training for the job market, and an undying desire to succeed.

One great way to support Casa de Sueños is to hire the young women we graduate from the Helping Hand program.

FIVE: Be a prayer warrior for us

No matter where you are, how much money you have, or the state of your own health, there is one thing that faithful people who want to bring light to a world of darkness can do: Pray.

Be a prayer warrior for Casa de Sueños, asking that our work can continue. Say fervent prayers for help and support of those children and young women in Medellin who desperately need it. Ask God for guidance for this nonprofit’s leaders. Appeal to Him to move people’s hearts to give generously so that we can continue to shine a light in the dim and dismal places of the city, providing a beacon of hope for those who need it.

Pray that together we can make a difference.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your Father in heaven.”
-Matthew 5:16

Donate here.
man praying under amber sun haze


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