The Premier Foundation
for Poor Children and
Abused Young Women
in Medellin

Lorena, the founder of Casa de Sueños, with a young child.

We ignite a dream in the hearts of disadvantaged kids and empower them to make that dream come true.

Our award-winning programs help children and their families break out of the cycle of endless poverty that overwhelms our beautiful city of Medellin, the City of Eternal Spring.

We plant the seeds of love, learning, and self-respect in these kids, seeds that will yield productive, meaningful, and rewarding lives.

Casa de Sueños: Where hope and dreams abound

What Do We Accomplish?


Student Graduation Rate


Prestigious International & Local Awards


Highly Successful Education Programs


Years Established & Growing


Children & Young Women Educated


Impoverished Parents Helped


Extended Family Members Assisted


Combined Breakfasts, Snacks, & Lunches Served

The Poor Children of Medellin Suffer Three Painful Truths


11% of Colombian children receive no formal education, and 20% of the children in Colombia live in poverty.


The United Nations recently reported that 30% of Colombians lack access to food, a number that doubled from the prior year.


90% of the girls living in the tenements of Medellin have been sexually abused, and the U.S. Department of State reports that the sex trafficking of Colombian women and girls is prevalent.

Our Award-Winning Programs Provide an Answer

Casa de Sueños Childhood Program
Our Childhood Program

We heal, educate, and guide poor children. We give them a chance at a better life.

Our innovative program for children ages 6-12 has proven to be very successful in improving the lives of the poor children of Medellin. It consists of three key components:

  • We employ psychotherapy to heal children from the trauma caused by living in the tenements.
  • We educate the children in useful and practical subjects like English, computers, math, and financial literacy.
  • We teach the children Christian values and morals.
Casa de Sueños Meals Program
Our Meals Program

We feed the children, their families, and the community.

Food insecurity means you haven’t eaten for a day or two and you don’t know when you’ll eat again. Our Meals Program tackles that problem.

  • This past year we served 3600 breakfasts, 3600 snacks, and 7200 lunches to the children and young women in our programs.
  • We provided daily meals to 80 poor families in the community.
  • This past year we nourished 198 children, 174 adults, and 276 extended family members.
Casa de Sueños Helping Hand Program
Our Helping Hand Program

We lift young women out of drug and sex abuse and into a productive life.

  • We bring into our program young women between 16 and 22 who have suffered drug and sex abuse.
  • We teach them employable skills like computer software and English, and we teach them how to study and build a rewarding good life.
  • Most important of all, we teach them to love and respect themselves.

Our Programs Create New Pathways

Young woman wearing Casa de Sueños tee-shirt
Casa de Sueños put Diana on the path to a new life.

“There Was No Place I Felt Safer and More Comfortable Than School.”
— Diana Sanchez, a graduate of Casa de Sueños

Diana grew up in an environment of risk, struggle, and hunger. Casa de Sueños gave her hope and a path to a better life. Now she has a stable job with a company and lives independently in a small apartment of her own.

Our Mission and Values

Our mission comes directly from Deuteronomy 15:11

“I command you, ‘You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to the poor, and to the needy, in your land.’”

If children are given the opportunity to study …

They can achieve whatever they want. Our founder, who came from the tenements herself, has shown us the way.

We are not a welfare program

We give children and young women the tools to change their lives. At the same time, we understand and respect each person and each individual’s process for healing.

Our founder wants you to know that …

 Her story can be the story of others, too. The poor kids of Medellin simply need a chance.

If our story opens your heart, then please, open your hands

Even a small donation will make this story come true for one child more.

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